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Friday, February 17, 2012

How 'Hoosier Love' becomes a gift to the region...

We've been talking about it a lot...the "Hoosier Love Video Contest" at You've heard about it through e-mail, tweets, Facebook posts, this blog, and even on TV.

So, what are we doing?

We're asking citizens to tell us why they love central Indiana, and offering a grand prize of $5,000. We've received great responses so far, so we're boosting the competition by extending the deadline to Feb 27! The grand prize winner will be announced at the Central Indiana Housing Summit on March 13. (Register today!)

Why are we doing this? What does the Hoosier Love video contest have to do with the Central Indiana Housing Summit, and how does 'Hoosier Love' become a gift to the region?

Here's the plan:

After we announce the grand prize winner at the Housing Summit on March 13, we will start production on a 30-second professionally-produced video, based on the winner's concept, that our economic development partners and community groups can use to promote the region. The finished product will be a creative gift to those who better our communities, bring more jobs, employees and economic vitality to our region, thus strengthening our housing market.

The finished product is our gift to the region, in celebration of MIBOR's centennial. It's a gift that can be used in a variety of ways, all focused on continuing to move central Indiana forward.

That is why we're asking members to refer clients to submit videos. We want to hear from the people you've helped establish roots in our region; the individuals and families who have chosen to live here. So be sure to tell you family, friends and clients about this opportunity! (Your referrals qualify you for a drawing for Indianapolis 500 Race Day Tickets!)

And that's not all that will happen at the summit this year.

The Central Indiana Housing Summit, on March 13, is also second-half of 'The Region is Our Product' discussion that began this past November through MIBOR's first webinar.

We'll focus on how central Indiana is positioned to compete in the arenas of community development, economic development and homeownership. We'll hear from a panel of regional experts including Todd Sears, Chief Financial Officer at Herman & Kittle Properties, Inc.; Drew Klacik, Policy Analyst with IUPUI's Center for Urban Policy and the Environment and Mark Miles, President and Chief Executive Officer with the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership.

Then we'll hear from two MIBOR Past-Presidents, Larry Mitchell and Pat Williams, who will highlight how this information is relevant to you.

You definitely don't want to miss out - register for the summit today, and keep spreading the word about "Hoosier Love"!

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